Gaffeur Pro
Font Family by Typonym
Includes 6 Font Styles from $160
Buy NowGaffeur is a modern and refined take on a traditional typographic genre, one common to improvised signs, liveries and sports jerseys. Curves are traded for angles, glyph widths are standardized--particularly in the numerals--and constructed around the idea of folding tape into letterforms. But the concept is transfigured here, merging with the nuances of elegant and inventive typography to create something unexpectedly novel. It features an expanded range of glyphs, symbols and punctuation with broad language support for hundreds of latin-based alphabets. The same care has been taken in setting metrics and kerning that would be expected from any professional typeface. The result is a recognizably distinctive, surprisingly versatile post-modern display typeface situated between Swiss minimalism and avant garde hijinks.
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Font Size – 60px
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6 Fonts Included
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