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Font Family by Intellecta Design

Save 50% until February 22!

Includes 3 Font Styles from $90 $45

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After 13 months of hard work, Iza W and Intellecta Design are proud to announce Penabico. This is a free interpretation of the copperplate script styles to be found in the Universal Penman.

London, 1741, the monumental publication of engraved work by George Bickham (along with collaborators Joseph Champion, Wellington Clark, Nathaniel Dove, Gabriel Brooks, William Leckey and many others).

This enhanced OpenType version is a complete solution for producing documents and artworks which need this kind of calligraphic script:

100s of stylistic alternates for each letter (upper- and lowercase), accessed with the glyph palette; 250 ornaments and fleurons (mostly in the copperplate roundhand renaissance style) encoded in the dingbats range and accessed with the glyph palette (plus a special set with over 50 of these ornaments accessed with the ornaments feature); an extensive set of ligatures (100s of stylistic and contextual alternates plus discretionary ligatures) providing letterform variations that make your designs really special, resembling real handwriting on the page; complete, intricate, ready-made calligraphic words; abbreviations (in many languages).

The principal font contains the complete Latin alphabet, including Central European, Vietnamese, Baltic and Turkish with all diacritic signs, punctuation marks (including interrobang). The German ?

beatifulbrandingbrushcalligraphycapital sharp scelebrationdelicatedinner invitationeleganteengrossingexclusivefancifulfeatherfountainframeshandletteringhandwrittinglogologotypeluxurymodernpartypenmanshipretrosave the datescriptscript fontsignaturespencerianstylishswashtypefacetypography

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3 Fonts Included

Penabico Ornaments Two  |  View All 76 Glyphs

Penabico Ornaments Two

from $22.90 $11.45

Penabico Words  |  View All 102 Glyphs

Penabico Words

from $11.90 $5.95

Penabico Script  |  View All 2,049 Glyphs

Penabico Script

from $80 $40

Save 21% ($24.80) when you buy the full family!

Find More Fonts Like This: Dingbat Fonts, Historical Fonts, and Scripts: Formal Fonts

More Fonts From Intellecta Design

Antique Extended  |  1 Font  |  From $26 $13

Antique Extended Font Poster

Elfort  |  1 Font  |  From $21 $10.50

Elfort Font Poster

Calligraphia Latina Pack  |  2 Fonts  |  From $44 $22

Calligraphia Latina Pack Font Poster

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Font Family by Intellecta Design

3 Font Styles from $90 $45

3 Font Styles from $90 $45

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