Smooth Brushings Poster Gallery Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #1 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #2 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #3 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #4 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #5 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #6 Smooth Brushings Thumbnail #7

Smooth Brushings

Font Family by Hanoded

Includes 2 Font Styles from $30

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When I was painting this font, I suddenly had the movie Cool Runnings (1993, directed by Jon Turteltaub) in my head. I had to name the font, so I came up with Smooth Brushings. Of course, this font has nothing to do with the movie.

Smooth Brushings is an all caps brush font, which was made with a stiff brush and some China Ink. Upper and lower case glyphs can be mixed. It is a very legible and clear font, ideally suited for posters, product packaging and book covers.

all capsbrush scripttexture

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2 Fonts Included

Smooth Brushings Italic  |  View All 361 Glyphs

Smooth Brushings Italic

from $20

Smooth Brushings Regular  |  View All 361 Glyphs

Smooth Brushings Regular

from $20

Save 25% ($10) when you buy the full family!

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Smooth Brushings

Font Family by Hanoded

2 Font Styles from $30

2 Font Styles from $30

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