Audiowide Pro
Font Family by Stiggy & Sands
Includes 1 Font Style from $29
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Our Audiowide Pro has vague inspirations from other styles like that of Handel Gothic and the Converse logo, yet it veers off in a direction of its own for a slightly more techno-futuristic and yet cleanly readable format. Great for both headlines and shorter body copy, its cleanly legible forms lend itself to a plethora of uses. The SmallCaps and extensive figure sets offer Audiowide an even wider breadth of design options.
Opentype features include:
- SmallCaps. - Full set of Inferiors and Superiors for limitless fractions. - Tabular, Proportional, and Oldstyle figure sets (along with SmallCaps versions of the figures). - Stylistic Alternates for Caps to SmallCaps conversion.
Opentype features include:
- SmallCaps. - Full set of Inferiors and Superiors for limitless fractions. - Tabular, Proportional, and Oldstyle figure sets (along with SmallCaps versions of the figures). - Stylistic Alternates for Caps to SmallCaps conversion.