Lotus Grove
Font Family by Fenotype
Includes 1 Font Style from $25
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Utilize the elegance of Art Nouveau in modern form with Lotus Grove.
Lotus Grove is a high-contrast serif typeface with deep roots in Art Nouveau aesthetics. In contrast to its archetypal models, Lotus Grove boasts a clean-cut and smooth design, perfectly suited for modern requirements. It is a fancy typeface that suits any kind of display use.
Lotus Grove is equipped with Stylistic Alternates for letters G, E, K, R, S, T and ampersand.
Lotus Grove is a high-contrast serif typeface with deep roots in Art Nouveau aesthetics. In contrast to its archetypal models, Lotus Grove boasts a clean-cut and smooth design, perfectly suited for modern requirements. It is a fancy typeface that suits any kind of display use.
Lotus Grove is equipped with Stylistic Alternates for letters G, E, K, R, S, T and ampersand.
aestheticaesthetic fontalternatesartart nouveauartnouveauboldbold typefacebrandingbranding fontbranding typefacechicclassycleanclean fontclean stylecrakecrake typefacecreinocurvydecorativedelicatediscretionary ligaturesdisplaydisplay fontdisplay typefaceeditorialeditorial designelegantelegant fontfancy fashionfashionfreshgeometricgeometric shapesgeometricalgroovyheadingheadlineheadline fonthigh contrastinstagraminstagram fontlatinligatureligature font
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